Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Hands together please.....

and a standing ovation for me, as I have driven to and from Liskeard, negotiating right hand turns and roundabouts (both absolute phobias of mine), without incident, and without tears.... ta daaaaaaa.....!
Last time I had to drive any distance, and we are only talking driving up to the service station at Exeter, about forty miles away, I sobbed for the entire drive,  navigating Haldon Hill with buckets of tears and snotty hankies piling up, I am surprised I made it at all. But that time I took Dave the house rabbit with me, so I had to drive carefully. Poor Dave, all of a sudden he is bundled up into his carry box, strapped onto the passenger seat and driven up the A38 and M5 to meet a Police Officer, who also thought the arrangement slightly odd, but was pleased to meet him. This time, as Froogs and I were doing the ladies who lunch and womble day, it was unfair to cart him off and leave him in the truck for hours so I drove on my own. I was accompanied by Radio Four with a stern female voice who I could imagine telling me to pull myself together and get on with it, so I did.
The day has been great, lovely to meet up with Froogs and gossip and shop and lunch. Great to have completed the drives there and back without bumping into anyone or anything, and so great to do it all and feel competent and well... hooorrrraaayyyyy!


Kitchenbunny said...

Nice one on the driving! I still get like that if I feel out of control (i.e., in a jam, or with shedloads of traffic on the road). I panic, so well done you for getting on and doing it! (hugs)

Glad you had a nice day :)

K xx

Beacee said...

I've just found your blog and want to say I'm in awe of your courage and determination in the face of your situation. Go girl!

Barbara x

susan said...

Well lordie, i thought i was the only one who drove without going anywhere!?!. In town i can go pretty much anywhere, but dual carriageways or motorway - no bloody way, larf! I can go up or down the A2 London Road for about 8 miles either way, then that's it. I promised myself I would have more driving lessons and be doing it at 50 - didn't happen, life did instead. Well done to you, keep on keeping on...
Susan x

jacqueline. said...

Have been following your blog this week and read up on your past. What a courageous woman you are. I cried and laughed as I went through your history. Will keep you in my prayers and I d o hope that each day will give you hope, strength and comfort.

Anonymous said...

Well done!!!

Unknown said...

I salute you for getting up and standing up straight! I am in awe that you drove here xxxxxxxx Love Froogs xxx

Unknown said...

I'm in awe of your 'every day' achievements - it's like watching you run a marathon, climb everest and fight dragons - Every Day! you are incredible xx